How NOT To Install Heat Cable - Wasatch Heat Cable: Commercial Grade Heat Tape & Ice Dam Prevention Cables

How NOT To Install Heat Cable

DON’T choose the wrong type of cable

So you’ve decided to have heat cable installed on your roof. You should be aware of the two options out there: constant wattage and self-regulating. You can read about the differences between the two here. The key differences are that constant wattage heat cable does not operate in temperatures under the 20° F threshold. (This is stated in the manufacturer’s manual itself for the product!) If you choose the wrong type of cable for your conditions, you may end up with a system that doesn’t work at all for you. That’s money down the drain!

HOW TO AVOID: Take note of the conditions you see during colder months. If you see temperatures below 20° F, you will want to choose self-regulating cable over constant wattage.

DON’T let the cable touch itself (Only for Constant Wattage cable)

A common mistake that homeowners make when installing constant wattage heat cable is allowing the cable to touch itself. This is incorrect for a few reasons, including the possibility of the cable shorting out and becoming completely ineffective. The cable overlapping or touching can also be dangerous. It can get extremely hot in those areas due to the collective heat building up!

If a homeowner is installing self-regulating heat cable, they don’t have to worry as much about the cable touching itself.

HOW TO AVOID: Use spaces in any places that the cable gets close to touching, such as at the bottom of a valley or in the gutter. Or, better yet, use self-regulating heat cable!

DON’T use screws, nails or staples

This is a big one! When installing your own heat cable or hiring somebody to do it, make sure that no nails, staples, or screws will be used to hold the clips onto your roof. This penetrates your roof, compromising the integrity of the roof. It can also void your warranty in those areas (if not the entire roof!)

HOW TO AVOID: Make sure you (or your installer) use an adhesive rather than a product that will penetrate your roof.

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